Found Art

Found art from the change of the decade

The Kingfisher of Mejulas Illustrations

Traditional artworks to accompany the work-in-progress manuscript.

Pen, Ink and Brush Character Portraits – 7 x 10 in

Pen, Ink and Brush Illustrations


Cover Art for The Kingfisher of Mejulas Competition Extract – Acrylic Paint on Cartridge Paper – 06/11/19 30 x 24 cm

‘Found Art’ by Tīw Rensine embodies a period of great personal evolution, on the cusp of realizing chaotic dreams, fuelled by a drive to conquer one’s own imagination and future. The collection completes a series of mixed media portraits pulled from the stills of the mind, glimpses of a misshapen world, mended to see oneself through rupturing times.

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